I'm Back!

Wow I have been completely neglecting my blog for over TWO months!  Holy cow!  Moving really takes a lot of time and energy.  Well I have my computer back and I am so excited to start blogging again.  I have over 15 blog posts I need to get published so be ready to be bombarded with tons of gorgeous families and some personal work too!




C. Family | Family Session in Tucson Arizona

So I have had the honor of photographing this adorable family for 3 years.  I hope I get to photograph them for many more!  They have grown right along with me and they are expecting their 3rd little one early next year!!  We had a beautiful session at Gates Pass in Tucson.  The weather was still a bit warm but they were troopers as I made them hike all over. I cannot lie, these guys are seriously the silliest family I have ever photographed.  Their sessions are always full of laughs and tickle fights. I can't wait to hang out with you guys again when I am back in Tucson for my spring sessions!!



September Part Two| Disneyland | Personal Images

Like I said, September was a really busy month. We had this crazy idea that we would go to Disneyland THREE days after Luke got home from his month long trip. We all had 1 day left on our 3 day tickets so we decided not to waste them!   We sent Lilian to school on Monday morning, packed up the car and picked her up from school.  Then we just left.  We told her not to ask questions about where we were going or how long it was going to take.  About 3 hours into our trip the girls were hungry and our food choices were limited so we stopped at McDonalds and prayed no ones stomach would get upset on the way (no issues thankfully).  We somehow convinced Lilian that McDonalds was her special treat.. and oddly enough she was totally ok with that.. shows you how frequently she gets McDonalds... haha.  She did ask why we had to drive for 3 hours just to go to McDonalds because we have one less than a mile from our house, we just told her this one tasted better.  We hopped back in the car and continued West.  We arrived in Anaheim around 10:30pm, we told her we got lost and had to stop at a hotel cause we were tired.  In the morning we all got up, got dressed and went for a walk.  She did notice that all the buses said 'Disneyland' but it didn't even phase her.  We walk in the entrance and were walking to the gate where they check bags/strollers and we had her read a sign.. her response.. "This does NOT look like Disneyland..."  It wasn't the the super excited reaction we were hoping for but when she got to the main gate she really got excited. 

We spent our day doing whatever she wanted, we utilized fast passes and stroller passes (this is super awesome for those with little ones that can't ride the rides and a parent has to stay behind!! When you go on a ride ask for a stroller pass and they let you return at another time with up to 3 people and use the fast pass lane. Lilian got to ride all of the big rides twice, once with me and once with Luke).  We had a mid-morning Character Breakfast with Minnie and Friends (SUPER AMAZING)  The food was great, and it was a buffet so we ate enough for breakfast and lunch.  Lilian declared the Matterhorn her favorite ride this time!  Last time it was a tie between Space Mountain and Splash Mountain.  It seems like she has a thing for Mountains.  Ultimately we had a blast, there was zero stress and it was a just overall an amazing day!  I also didn't strive to document our entire day like last time, I took roughly 200 shots on our entire trip. Most were with  characters too. 


September Part One | Personal Images

September was busy!  We started the month off without Luke, and were counting down the days until he was home again.  You can tell in this blog that we had a reoccurring theme in our summer this year.  WATER!! Seriously, water was involved whenever it was possible.  Pools, Splash pads, Sprinklers.. you name it we used it and it was such a blast!  Sorry for the huge share this month.  We also snuck in another trip to Disneyland but that will be a blog on it's own.  

At the beginning of the month we has a BBQ at my step-sisters house.  The girls loved playing and swimming with their cousins.  The next day we went to my aunt and uncles house and swam there.  A few day's later, Lilian's sister Charlotte came over for a visit and we played in the splash pad. So much water!!  It seemed like it rained all the time.. I played with some long exposures and got some "ghost" Arias.  I also found out that I love taking photos of Aria's little tiny feet...   All in all it was a good month.  Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera with me when we picked Luke up from the airport, it was a bit anticlimactic anyway.  But they sure were glad to have him home.  Aria didn't leave his side for days.  So here are my images, enough with my rambling.. :)  


August | Personal Images

Wow!! It's been a long time since I have edited my own personal images.  I just knocked out August and September!!  August was a pretty rough month for me, personally.  Luke was scheduled to leave for work [again] at the end of the month, and I had some personal things going on with our move and custody stuff with my oldest.  Thank goodness everything worked out great!  Lilian started SECOND GRADE!!  HOLY MOLY!  The first two sets of images are from her first week of school.  Her dad had her on the first day and I drove across town to be there with her as she joined second grade, but sadly she arrived right before the bell rand (and she got to ring it too!!!) so I only had time to snap a few photos.  The 2nd set of images is on her first day of school with me (actually 2nd day of literal school) and we did our standard 'first day' photos. 

The girls and I stayed busy busy busy.  We went to the pool as often as we possible could and also made a trip to the Childrens Museum Tucson. We always have such a blast there... but I will admit this was the very first time I have taken them to the Children's museum together, on my own. It was alright.. It could have been worse.  The problem is they both want to do different things and I don't trust Lilian (or other people) to go off on her own yet.  The trip ended with a huge tantrum.. and not by Aria, which resulted in us skipping Ice Cream at the HUB and heading straight home.  Luke left at the end of the month and we started counting down the days [weeks] until he was home with us again.  


A. Family | Family Lifestyle Session at Agua Caliente Park in Tucson Arizona

Last year I donated two sessions to my oldest daughter's school for a fund raiser.  Jen and Peter were lucky enough to snag one of those two family sessions.  I met with Jen a couple weeks before our session just to talk about locations and wardrobes.  I really love meeting with my clients before hand because it gives us both clear expectations of our session.  I truly believe that making sure everyone is on the same page really helps run a successful business.  Their sweet little Calvin was spunky and crazy!  He was so much fun to photograph just because he was so animated and full of energy. Little Annika wasn't really into getting her picture taken but she was still as sweet as could be.  I am hoping I can get this beautiful family in front of my camera again sometime when I come back to Tucson in the next couple of years, before they leave the desert for new adventures. 


Trinitie and Evan | Getting Hitched in Phoenix Arizona

I told you I was going to get caught up!! So many blogs!!  I am so excited that I finished editing this wedding WAY ahead of schedule and that this adorable little couple's images are being sent to them tomorrow!!  For now though, I would love to share with you a small preview of their beautiful wedding up in Phoenix Arizona.  I don't normally take weddings, but I do take a few select weddings a year.  More specifically, if the clients and I get along great and we just know we have to work with each other, I will take the wedding :) 

Trinitie and Evan got married up in Phoenix Arizona.  I am not going to lie.. it was a hot one!! But I wouldn't expect anything less from Phoenix!.  I had such a fun time with this group and I am in love with their images!  I hope they love them too!!! There were so many personal touches in this wedding, down to their pins on the bouquets and boutonnieres.   

I am hoping to book a few weddings in Colorado next year, if you know anyone that is having a small intimate and unique ceremony I would love to speak with them!!



Jessie and Jon | Maternity Session on Mount Lemmon Arizona

Wow!  It feels like forever since I have blogged!  I have had so many sessions recently I need to get caught up so I don't get too behind and just give up!!!  Here is a beautiful maternity session with Jon and Jessie.  I have been so lucky to document so many of their life events!  I had the honor to document their engagement session, their wedding and we've had a couple other sessions here and there.  WELL NOW THEY ARE HAVING A BABY!!!  I am so excited for their little guy to join the world!  Fingers crossed everything falls into place so I can sneak in one last birth story before we move to Denver.  

Jessie and Jon have always been troopers with me. I am so honored that they have always trusted my artistic eye!  Congratulations you two!!  You are going to be amazing parents!!!!


E. Family | Family Storytelling in Tucson Arizona

I was graciously inviting in the Emery home.  Kelli is an amazing photographer here in Tucson and she reached out for an in home documentary session because their pup Lulu was going to undergo surgery the following day.  So much of their session was focused on her. This was the very first time a family invited me into their home for a documentary session that didn't involve a newborn- I was really nervous.. not to mention she is an awesome photographer her self and it's always new wracking to photograph another photographer.  

Towards the end of our session Kelli asked for a few 'posed' (and I use that term really lightly) photos on their bed with their family surrounding their pup with love.  E. Family, I know you are surround your sweet pup with love while she recovers from her surgery!  Thank you so much for inviting me into your home!

Rowan Elizabeth | Birth Story in Tucson Arizona

I have a very small preview of Rowan's beautiful birthday.  She was born covered in amazing birthday frosting and was the sweetest, quietest, most serene baby I have seen in a long time.  I can't wait until I am able to share her whole birth story with the world!  She was born with a True Knot in her Umbilical cord!  Thank you so much Jonea and Josh for letting me be there with you for this amazing night!  

Ireland Jean | In Home Newborn Session

Like I have said before, I LOVE everything related to birth photography, including maternity and in home newborn sessions.  I truly love lifestyle newborn sessions.  There is just something magical about those first few days at home with a new little one.  The Randall family invited me into their home two weeks after little Ireland was born, brother and sister are still getting into the swing of having a new sibling and little Ireland was seriously as sweet as could be.  Thank you so much Randall Family for letting me be part of this wonderful time in your lives!


Jonea | Maternity in Downtown Tucson

I really loved thatI had TWO maternity sessions with the amazing Jonea.  It was really nice to be able to go to two completely different locations and have completely different focuses.  Our first session really focused on the bond she had with her son JJ and her new little addition.  I loved taking her and putting her in the middle of a field and letting her be this gorgeous Goddess that every women is during pregnancy.  Our second session has a completely different feel.  Her husband joined us in one of my most favorite neighborhoods in Tucson.  In fact while we were down there we ran into Kelland and Suela who informed me that after our photowalk in that neightborhood they decided to MOVE there!  They just love their new neighborhood and it's so full of life and color.  

Josh was a great sport with our photos, we tried to make it as quick and painless as possible.  I really think he enjoyed the face that I never made him look directly at the camera.. and if he did that was on him :)

I can't wait for this little girl to be born.  As always good thoughts and prayers (if you pray) are always welcome for this little family!


Jonea | Maternity in Tucson Arizona

This is actually the first of two maternity sessions with this amazing woman!  Her husband was out of town for her first session and her second session will be just them without their adorable son!  I can't lie, I was extremely nervous to photograph Jonea..  this girl is literally famous. She was photographed by the AMAZING Jade Beall for The Beautiful Body Project and several of her images have gone viral.  it did take me a while to get over my nervousness and when I finally got comfortable we hit an amazing groove and created some because art together.  I am SO HONORED she asked me to photograph her!  

I have finally decided I am just obsessed with anything about birth and mothering/nurturing.  I love being able to photograph these amazing women who are caring for and nurturing their children.  Now we wait Jonea and Josh's beautiful little girl to grace us with her presence, I can't wait to share their images from their next maternity session with the world!


Kiersten | Nursing Session in Tucson Arizona

I love nursing sessions.. Heck I love feeding sessions in general.  Watching a family member nourish their baby is such an amazing thing.  Kiersten is an amazing mama who is currently nursing her 1 and 3 year old.  We only had about 20 minutes of shooting time in the orchard this evening, the mosquitoes were unbearable, I left the orchard with over 30 bites all over the place.  I am so honored that Kiersten asked me to take these shots for her to commemorate her nursing. She is one client/friend I am going to miss terribly once I move to Colorado.  She has been with me since the very beginning and when I look back on her first set of images I took I can definitely see how much growth there has been within myself and my photography.  I am so proud to have those images to look back on.  We all start somewhere and I am so glad that she has stuck by me through the years.  

To book your feeding session with me please email Hello@photoartbyjessica.com.  I would really enjoy adding a few more sessions to my portfolio.  These sessions are not limited to nursing, I would be honored to photograph you bottle feeding you child or even pumping for your child.  

End of Summer | Personal Images

“The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.” - Laura Ingalls Wilder


Last week my husband went away for work for a week so the day he left we went and cooled off with my aunt and uncle and took advantage of the pool in their neighborhood.  Lilian was working on diving, Aria was working on well... being a toddler in a pool.  We have been working with her on flipping to her back in the water and this day she finally did it!  I was super proud of her!  I really love documenting my family and finding beauty in the everyday things in our lives. It wasn’t until relatively recently where I discovered how much I love documentary photography, and by recently I mean in the past year or so.  I rarely picked up my camera in our home because it was always cluttered or a little bit of a mess and then one day I just did it.  Who care if my house is a mess or I have a pile of laundry on my couch.. this is my life and it is so beautiful!  Now there is rarely a day where I don’t pick up my camera.  I take it everywhere with me.  My kids will definitely have a wonderful story to share with their kids when they grow up.. Speaking of that, do yourself a favor and take some time and print your images from the past year.  I am really excited for our move to Denver Colorado later this year and I will be changing my business to a Full Service, Print and Product based business model. 

  If you're interested in a Documentary Family Session I have some availability before we make our big move!


Ireland Jean | Birth Story in Tucson Arizona

You might remember my GORGEOUS Maternity session from a few weeks ago.. Well Ireland decided to make her debut in the weeeee hours of August 11th, weighing a perfect 7lbs 2oz.  Mom had a pretty intense labor but worked through each and every contraction with the help of her amazing husband and wonderful Doula.  Ashlee worked so hard during her labor, probably walked a mile back and forth at the birth center.  She moved into and out of the birth tub before settling into the bed.  Lynn her doula (https://www.facebook.com/loveandlabor) was with her every second.  When Ashlee was doubting she could do it, Lynn was there to give her positive affirmations, rub her back and hold her when she needed it.  In the end Ashlee had the birth she imagined and had an amazingly supportive birth team,  I can't wait to share her entire birth story with the world!  For now enjoy this preview.  <3

R. Family | Military Homecoming in Tucson Arizona

Haylea is a fellow photographer here in Tucson and I was so honored when she asked me to be part of their homecoming.  When we first connected a few months ago I knew we would become friends.  Haylea is so wonderful and up lifting.  Her husband Ryan had been gone since the beginning of the year and I had yet to meet him.  Our evening started off a little bit crazy, we decided to head out about 30 minutes early to sneak in a mommy and me session of her and her beautiful son at sunset but she called me because she locked her keys in her car!  I was luckily by her friends house that had her spare and I was able to get it to her in time.  By the time we made it to my open desert the sun was nearly gone but we had about 5 minutes of light left.  It was totally worth it.  I am glad we decided to head out early because if we hadn't we may have missed Ryan's flight!  We got to the airport with about 30 minutes to spare and we had some fun playing around before Ryan arrived.  That night there were several service members coming home, it was a really wonderful night.  I am so glad this little family is reunited again and I hope they have quite sometime before they are separated once more.


July in Black and White | Personal Images

So here we are.. it's August and soon we will be moving our little family up a little bit north to Denver Colorado.  July was a really wonderful month for our family.  I spent a lot of time experimenting with my Black and White images... I have recently been drawn to dark and moody images. I am really in love with embracing the shadows right now...  it also helps that I rarely can get my children to give me their real genuine smile on camera.  Tomorrow Lilian starts school as a SECOND GRADER!!!  Holy Moly!! Life seems to be going at this extremely rapid pace and keeping up with it can be really draining.  I am happy that this summer has been relatively calm- in terms of client sessions.  It has given me time to really focus and refine who I am as photographer... for now... because it seems that I am always changing and evolving. I can't stay stagnant with my work for long.. I have to be growing and changing.  So here is a little peek of my personal images/personal growth.  


W. Family | Military Homecoming in Tucson Arizona

Military Homecomings have a very special place in my heart.  I can honestly say that they are my second favorite type of session (right behind births). This was a huge homecoming where roughly 300 service members were arriving home from one of our base's biggest deployments ever.   Whenever I am at the airport, or on the flight line waiting very impatiently for that plane to arrive, this quote always runs though my head.

 "Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there – fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge – they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." -Love Actually

The amount of love and anticipation in the room is really an adrenaline rush.  No matter who is coming home, my hands get clammy, I get butterflies in my stomach and my mind starts going a million miles a minute.  

The W. Family has been counting down the days for months for this one special moment.  I am so honored that Amber asked me to be there with them.  I got to document this homecoming a bit different than my normal homecomings because Amber also happens to live just 4 houses away from me.  I loved being able to be in their home while they finished their final preparations for Andrew to come home.  It was raining and cool out it was also 10:00pm.  Since this homecoming had so many people arriving home it was held on base which is always amazing.  The news was there, and so many of my photographer friends were there as well.  The happiness in this hanger was radiating well beyond the hanger it's self.  Thank You W. Family for letting me be part of this wonderful moment in your life~


I also wanted to put a little PSA here.. I get booked out for homecomings months in advance.  This specific homecoming has been booked since February- it also unfortunately overlapped with another homecoming booked out a few months ago as well and I could only be in one place.  It's is very important to communicate with your photographer and your spouse as much as possible when it gets close to the homecoming.  Please inform your spouse that you have hired someone to be there with you, this could alleviate a lot of confusion. For this specific homecoming I had people calling and messaging me all the way up until 5pm on the day of arrival.  

If you need a homecoming photographer I have two available spots open for the remaining of the year, one in September and one in November.

Apple Annies Peach Picking | Personal Images

Every year we try to head out to Apple Annies in Willcox Arizona at least once for the Peach Picking Festival.  It's always a lot of fun picking about 20lbs of peaches with the girls.  This year Aria was tall enough to reach some of the lower branches and she was able to get her own sweet peaches.  They encourage you to try the peaches while picking them, especially the soft ripe ones.  Their peaches never disappoint.  This year we froze about 15lbs of peaches and I made peach turnovers and a peach and blueberry cobbler.  

After we picked our peaches we headed down the road to their farm and hit up their veggie patches to get some fresh zucchini, squashes, peppers, egg plant and corn.  We left the farm with a beautiful rainbow of fresh food.  We always encourage our kids (and ourselves) to eat as close to nature as possible.  I have often been asked how I get my kids to eat fresh vegetables, the answer is simple, it's what we eat at home.  It's the food they know. We also help them along by encouraging them to pick their own food so they can see where their food comes from.  Don't get me wrong they eat their fair share of junk and processed foods too but somehow along the way, I believe we found a nice balance.