Nursing Session

Kiersten | Nursing Session in Tucson Arizona

I love nursing sessions.. Heck I love feeding sessions in general.  Watching a family member nourish their baby is such an amazing thing.  Kiersten is an amazing mama who is currently nursing her 1 and 3 year old.  We only had about 20 minutes of shooting time in the orchard this evening, the mosquitoes were unbearable, I left the orchard with over 30 bites all over the place.  I am so honored that Kiersten asked me to take these shots for her to commemorate her nursing. She is one client/friend I am going to miss terribly once I move to Colorado.  She has been with me since the very beginning and when I look back on her first set of images I took I can definitely see how much growth there has been within myself and my photography.  I am so proud to have those images to look back on.  We all start somewhere and I am so glad that she has stuck by me through the years.  

To book your feeding session with me please email  I would really enjoy adding a few more sessions to my portfolio.  These sessions are not limited to nursing, I would be honored to photograph you bottle feeding you child or even pumping for your child.