I have known Ian for many years. When he told me that he and his girlfriend Katie were expecting, I couldn't be more thrilled. Ian and Katie found out when she was around 18 weeks and little did they know that they would be meeting little Theo just a few short weeks after finding out. Theo is considered a Micro Preemie - Born before 26 weeks or weighing less than 1lb 12oz, Theo fit both of those criteria. He was born at 24 weeks 4 days and weighed 1lb 10oz.
I was able to visit Theo in the NICU with Ian when he was 2 days old. Let me tell you.. it takes a special kind of person to be a NICU nurse. I was in awe of everything that was going on around me. I spent about an hour with Ian and Theo before we headed out to visit Katie who was recovering from her emergency C-Section. I am so honored that they let me into their very personal space during this crazy emotional time.
Theodore James was born at 24 Weeks 4 days weighing 1lb 10oz. Today he is 50 days old and weighs 2lbs 14oz. From all of the updates I have been getting he is such a strong little fighter. I can't wait to visit him again when I am back in Tucson in March.
Photo: Art by Jessica offers free NICU sessions for those families currently in the NICU that would like this time in their lives to be documents. Please email me for more details.