Arizona Family Photographer

Ramp Family | Your Story Session in Denver Colorado

I had the honor of spending a day with the Ramp Family recently to kick off the launch of my "Your Story" sessions!  These sessions can be partial days or full days but they are always so much fun.  Your ordinary is worth documenting and remembering.  My Your Story sessions are currently discounted for anyone that books in the month of February.  You do not have to have your session in February.  These sessions can take place in Colorado Springs, Denver Metro, and Fort Collins CO. They can also take place when I am in Tucson in March.  

All sessions include your edited digital gallery as well a video slideshow set to music!


Beth, Mark and Skylar | Maternity Session in Tucson

My Cousin Bethany and I have always had this special unspoken bond.  No matter how far apart we are or how long we go without talking, when we finally get together (which unfortunately isn't often enough), she is like my best friend.  I was really honored to be able to photograph her and her husband Mark in anticipation of the arrival of my sweet new cousin Skylar.  This was probably the most nerve wracking session I have ever had, not only did these images need to be perfect for her because she is family, but we were very limited on time and when we fist started out it was so cloudy out.  I was so excited when the sun started to set and started peeking out from under the clouds.  I am so excited for Skylar to make her arrival any day/week now and I can't wait for baby snuggles when I make a trip to Arizona in March. 

I am currently booking Maternity sessions in the Denver Metro area.  I would be honored to photograph this amazing time for you and your family. 


P. Family | Military Homecoming in Tucson AZ

Being a military spouse, military homecomings are very near and dear to me.  I was really excited when Candi messaged me and asked me to come document her husbands homecoming on the flight line.  The weather was gorgeous for us and her husband arrived right on time... which is unheard of!!  I also love being able to document families reuniting.  I am now available for homecomings in the Denver Metro Area.  

R. Family | Family Lifestyle Session on Mt. Lemmon AZ

I met Haylea in a local photography group when I was still living in Tucson.  She and I became fast friends and I consider her one of my best friends!  I really LOVE photographing other photographers, photographer families are just naturals in front of the camera.  I can such minimal directing, if any at all.  I don't really do much directing in my sessions anyway, I kind of just plop people in a field and tell them to interact with each other, but R. Family just made it so easy.  I highly recommend checking out some of Hayley's gorgeous work on her website   I hope when I am in Tucson later this year I can get them in front of my camera again.  

C. Family | Family Session in Tucson Arizona

So I have had the honor of photographing this adorable family for 3 years.  I hope I get to photograph them for many more!  They have grown right along with me and they are expecting their 3rd little one early next year!!  We had a beautiful session at Gates Pass in Tucson.  The weather was still a bit warm but they were troopers as I made them hike all over. I cannot lie, these guys are seriously the silliest family I have ever photographed.  Their sessions are always full of laughs and tickle fights. I can't wait to hang out with you guys again when I am back in Tucson for my spring sessions!!



E. Family | Family Storytelling in Tucson Arizona

I was graciously inviting in the Emery home.  Kelli is an amazing photographer here in Tucson and she reached out for an in home documentary session because their pup Lulu was going to undergo surgery the following day.  So much of their session was focused on her. This was the very first time a family invited me into their home for a documentary session that didn't involve a newborn- I was really nervous.. not to mention she is an awesome photographer her self and it's always new wracking to photograph another photographer.  

Towards the end of our session Kelli asked for a few 'posed' (and I use that term really lightly) photos on their bed with their family surrounding their pup with love.  E. Family, I know you are surround your sweet pup with love while she recovers from her surgery!  Thank you so much for inviting me into your home!

Jonea | Maternity in Downtown Tucson

I really loved thatI had TWO maternity sessions with the amazing Jonea.  It was really nice to be able to go to two completely different locations and have completely different focuses.  Our first session really focused on the bond she had with her son JJ and her new little addition.  I loved taking her and putting her in the middle of a field and letting her be this gorgeous Goddess that every women is during pregnancy.  Our second session has a completely different feel.  Her husband joined us in one of my most favorite neighborhoods in Tucson.  In fact while we were down there we ran into Kelland and Suela who informed me that after our photowalk in that neightborhood they decided to MOVE there!  They just love their new neighborhood and it's so full of life and color.  

Josh was a great sport with our photos, we tried to make it as quick and painless as possible.  I really think he enjoyed the face that I never made him look directly at the camera.. and if he did that was on him :)

I can't wait for this little girl to be born.  As always good thoughts and prayers (if you pray) are always welcome for this little family!


End of Summer | Personal Images

“The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.” - Laura Ingalls Wilder


Last week my husband went away for work for a week so the day he left we went and cooled off with my aunt and uncle and took advantage of the pool in their neighborhood.  Lilian was working on diving, Aria was working on well... being a toddler in a pool.  We have been working with her on flipping to her back in the water and this day she finally did it!  I was super proud of her!  I really love documenting my family and finding beauty in the everyday things in our lives. It wasn’t until relatively recently where I discovered how much I love documentary photography, and by recently I mean in the past year or so.  I rarely picked up my camera in our home because it was always cluttered or a little bit of a mess and then one day I just did it.  Who care if my house is a mess or I have a pile of laundry on my couch.. this is my life and it is so beautiful!  Now there is rarely a day where I don’t pick up my camera.  I take it everywhere with me.  My kids will definitely have a wonderful story to share with their kids when they grow up.. Speaking of that, do yourself a favor and take some time and print your images from the past year.  I am really excited for our move to Denver Colorado later this year and I will be changing my business to a Full Service, Print and Product based business model. 

  If you're interested in a Documentary Family Session I have some availability before we make our big move!


Apple Annies Peach Picking | Personal Images

Every year we try to head out to Apple Annies in Willcox Arizona at least once for the Peach Picking Festival.  It's always a lot of fun picking about 20lbs of peaches with the girls.  This year Aria was tall enough to reach some of the lower branches and she was able to get her own sweet peaches.  They encourage you to try the peaches while picking them, especially the soft ripe ones.  Their peaches never disappoint.  This year we froze about 15lbs of peaches and I made peach turnovers and a peach and blueberry cobbler.  

After we picked our peaches we headed down the road to their farm and hit up their veggie patches to get some fresh zucchini, squashes, peppers, egg plant and corn.  We left the farm with a beautiful rainbow of fresh food.  We always encourage our kids (and ourselves) to eat as close to nature as possible.  I have often been asked how I get my kids to eat fresh vegetables, the answer is simple, it's what we eat at home.  It's the food they know. We also help them along by encouraging them to pick their own food so they can see where their food comes from.  Don't get me wrong they eat their fair share of junk and processed foods too but somehow along the way, I believe we found a nice balance.   


Ireland Jean | Maternity in Tucson Arizona

I am so excited for the birth of Ireland!  She is expected to bless us with her arrival any time now and I am just waiting for the call!  This session almost didn't happen.  Right now in Tucson it's Monsoon.  Many afternoons we experience lots of rain and wind.  Well the evening of our session we decided to chance it and I am so glad that we did.  When we were walking out the door the rain clouds opened and it down poured on us until literally 5 minutes away from our shooting location.  I was so excited that we got in front of the storm and we wasted no time and got to shooting.  The rain held off for our entire session but on the way home the sky cleared and gave us a gorgeous sunset so of course we had to pull over into the first open field I could find!  It was a pretty adventurous shoot!



Norah and Owen | In Home Newborn and Family Session | Tucson Arizona

You might remember my last birth back in May, when little Norah graced us with her presence a few weeks early.  She spent about a week in the NICU before she was allowed to come home and ever since then she has been growing like a weed!  She is so sweet and I definitely got my share of baby snuggles in during our in home Newborn and Family Session.  In home Documentary sessions are my favorite type of family session.  I love documenting and telling your story.  

Becca and Sean | In Love | Pecan Orchards in Tucson Arizona

These two.. what can I say?  They squeezed me in last minute before they move across the country.. literally the movers were at their house a hour before we met.  They are seriously some of the sweetest people I have ever met.  I hope you guys have a safe move and enjoy your new home, Arizona will definitely miss you!!


“Love can be so hauntingly beautiful, waking up past selves that have been wandering aimlessly through the corridors of our soul, for far too long. When someone else can take us from the ghost-town of our inner-selves, to exciting new landscapes, it's worth the risk, just to feel reborn.” 
― Jaeda DeWalt


Stan, Rachel and Layla | Family Photo Session | Brandi Fenton Park Tucson AZ

When we move to Denver this is one family I am truly going to miss.  Tucson has been so good to me and I am really excited that I will be able to shoot here several times a year even after our move.  

Happy Birthday Sweet Layla!  I can't wait to get you in front of my camera again!!



Danielle and Girls | Mommy and Me in Tucson AZ

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.

-Richard Bach


Taking a dip in the Pacific | Personal Images

After we went to Disneyland we decided to head down to San Diego for a day of sandy wet fun before we headed back to Tucson.  All 3 girls really love being at the beach and playing in the sand and water.. I however have learned that the adult version of Jessica doesn't enjoy sand AT ALL.  But I did only spend about 15 minutes with my camera and spent the rest of our few hours with my kids and husband.  I am trying to find that special balance of documenting/storytelling and actually being in the moment with my family. It's definitely not as easy as I thought it would be.  


Ramona | Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me Sessions have a really special place in my heart.  As a mom I know I am not in front of the camera enough with my kids.  I am working on it... I swear... I love watching mom's interact with their children and I LOVE documenting that bond.  Moms... GET IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA WITH YOUR KIDS..  and not only that but don't just let these images sit on the web or computer.. PRINT THEM and hang them.  Get in front of the lens...

Melanie and Caleb | Expecting in Tucson

Melanie and Caleb have been great friends for a couple of years. They are the only people we trust with our fur baby Pocket, he loves visiting their house when we go out of town.  Melanie is due in July with their second little one and I am so beyond thrilled for my amazing friends!!



Amber | Mommy and Me

Amber, Danni and Ava, were just a dream.  I know I say that a lot but seriously, these three were awesome.  These three are also waiting to welcome home the man in their lives.  Amber is such a great mom to these two crazy girls, and Danni is seriously one of the most respectful (yet hungry) little 7 year olds I have ever met.  I am lucky to have this crazy group just down the street and I have become fast friends with them.  Mommy and me sessions are on going through Mothers day, please to all the mama's out there.. do your kids a favor and get in the frame with them.  If you're interested in one of these limited sessions, please do not hesitate to email me. 

Jessie and Jon | In Love in Tucson

Jessie and Jon are two of the sweetest people I have ever met in my entire life.  I documented their engagement and wedding last year.  This year I suckered them into an early morning session at Sunrise.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for these two!

Stephanie and Danny | Expecting in Tucson

This family was such a dream to work with. When Stephanie contacted me, I was so excited for this session.  She is a labor and delivery nurse here at the Birth Center.  She has attended a few of the births I have photographed!  She is expecting her new one (they will find out the sex when he/she is born) in just a few weeks.  I can't wait to work with them again!!!