
Beth, Mark and Skylar | Maternity Session in Tucson

My Cousin Bethany and I have always had this special unspoken bond.  No matter how far apart we are or how long we go without talking, when we finally get together (which unfortunately isn't often enough), she is like my best friend.  I was really honored to be able to photograph her and her husband Mark in anticipation of the arrival of my sweet new cousin Skylar.  This was probably the most nerve wracking session I have ever had, not only did these images need to be perfect for her because she is family, but we were very limited on time and when we fist started out it was so cloudy out.  I was so excited when the sun started to set and started peeking out from under the clouds.  I am so excited for Skylar to make her arrival any day/week now and I can't wait for baby snuggles when I make a trip to Arizona in March. 

I am currently booking Maternity sessions in the Denver Metro area.  I would be honored to photograph this amazing time for you and your family. 


September Part One | Personal Images

September was busy!  We started the month off without Luke, and were counting down the days until he was home again.  You can tell in this blog that we had a reoccurring theme in our summer this year.  WATER!! Seriously, water was involved whenever it was possible.  Pools, Splash pads, Sprinklers.. you name it we used it and it was such a blast!  Sorry for the huge share this month.  We also snuck in another trip to Disneyland but that will be a blog on it's own.  

At the beginning of the month we has a BBQ at my step-sisters house.  The girls loved playing and swimming with their cousins.  The next day we went to my aunt and uncles house and swam there.  A few day's later, Lilian's sister Charlotte came over for a visit and we played in the splash pad. So much water!!  It seemed like it rained all the time.. I played with some long exposures and got some "ghost" Arias.  I also found out that I love taking photos of Aria's little tiny feet...   All in all it was a good month.  Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera with me when we picked Luke up from the airport, it was a bit anticlimactic anyway.  But they sure were glad to have him home.  Aria didn't leave his side for days.  So here are my images, enough with my rambling.. :)  


End of Summer | Personal Images

“The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.” - Laura Ingalls Wilder


Last week my husband went away for work for a week so the day he left we went and cooled off with my aunt and uncle and took advantage of the pool in their neighborhood.  Lilian was working on diving, Aria was working on well... being a toddler in a pool.  We have been working with her on flipping to her back in the water and this day she finally did it!  I was super proud of her!  I really love documenting my family and finding beauty in the everyday things in our lives. It wasn’t until relatively recently where I discovered how much I love documentary photography, and by recently I mean in the past year or so.  I rarely picked up my camera in our home because it was always cluttered or a little bit of a mess and then one day I just did it.  Who care if my house is a mess or I have a pile of laundry on my couch.. this is my life and it is so beautiful!  Now there is rarely a day where I don’t pick up my camera.  I take it everywhere with me.  My kids will definitely have a wonderful story to share with their kids when they grow up.. Speaking of that, do yourself a favor and take some time and print your images from the past year.  I am really excited for our move to Denver Colorado later this year and I will be changing my business to a Full Service, Print and Product based business model. 

  If you're interested in a Documentary Family Session I have some availability before we make our big move!


Ireland Jean | Maternity in Tucson Arizona

I am so excited for the birth of Ireland!  She is expected to bless us with her arrival any time now and I am just waiting for the call!  This session almost didn't happen.  Right now in Tucson it's Monsoon.  Many afternoons we experience lots of rain and wind.  Well the evening of our session we decided to chance it and I am so glad that we did.  When we were walking out the door the rain clouds opened and it down poured on us until literally 5 minutes away from our shooting location.  I was so excited that we got in front of the storm and we wasted no time and got to shooting.  The rain held off for our entire session but on the way home the sky cleared and gave us a gorgeous sunset so of course we had to pull over into the first open field I could find!  It was a pretty adventurous shoot!



Becca and Sean | In Love | Pecan Orchards in Tucson Arizona

These two.. what can I say?  They squeezed me in last minute before they move across the country.. literally the movers were at their house a hour before we met.  They are seriously some of the sweetest people I have ever met.  I hope you guys have a safe move and enjoy your new home, Arizona will definitely miss you!!


“Love can be so hauntingly beautiful, waking up past selves that have been wandering aimlessly through the corridors of our soul, for far too long. When someone else can take us from the ghost-town of our inner-selves, to exciting new landscapes, it's worth the risk, just to feel reborn.” 
― Jaeda DeWalt


James and Elle | Engaged in Tucson

Back in January I only blogged part of this session.  What I didn't blog was their engagement!  This was such a wonderful evening for me.  Being able to document special memories like this are why I love doing what I do.  Congratulations Elle and James!!  

Melanie and Caleb | Expecting in Tucson

Melanie and Caleb have been great friends for a couple of years. They are the only people we trust with our fur baby Pocket, he loves visiting their house when we go out of town.  Melanie is due in July with their second little one and I am so beyond thrilled for my amazing friends!!



Jessie and Jon | In Love in Tucson

Jessie and Jon are two of the sweetest people I have ever met in my entire life.  I documented their engagement and wedding last year.  This year I suckered them into an early morning session at Sunrise.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for these two!

Valentines Day

So around our house Valentines day has never been a big deal.  Luke and I try our best to show each other very often how much we love and appreciate each other so we feel we don't really need a day to tell us to do so..  This year however- with having Jule in our home and Lilian "getting it" we decided to go all out.  In the morning I made pink and purple heart shaped pancakes and we went on a simple picnic where we made flower crowns and played in a field of dead tall grass for a couple of hours.  It was simply splendid and I think we have a wonderful new tradition to look forward to.  Our crowns were far from perfect but I thought they were wonderful.  We even had extra flowers that we gave to some hikers to brighten their day a little bit.