I have a very small preview of Rowan's beautiful birthday. She was born covered in amazing birthday frosting and was the sweetest, quietest, most serene baby I have seen in a long time. I can't wait until I am able to share her whole birth story with the world! She was born with a True Knot in her Umbilical cord! Thank you so much Jonea and Josh for letting me be there with you for this amazing night!
Arizona Birth Photographer
Jonea | Maternity in Downtown Tucson
I really loved thatI had TWO maternity sessions with the amazing Jonea. It was really nice to be able to go to two completely different locations and have completely different focuses. Our first session really focused on the bond she had with her son JJ and her new little addition. I loved taking her and putting her in the middle of a field and letting her be this gorgeous Goddess that every women is during pregnancy. Our second session has a completely different feel. Her husband joined us in one of my most favorite neighborhoods in Tucson. In fact while we were down there we ran into Kelland and Suela who informed me that after our photowalk in that neightborhood they decided to MOVE there! They just love their new neighborhood and it's so full of life and color.
Josh was a great sport with our photos, we tried to make it as quick and painless as possible. I really think he enjoyed the face that I never made him look directly at the camera.. and if he did that was on him :)
I can't wait for this little girl to be born. As always good thoughts and prayers (if you pray) are always welcome for this little family!
Ireland Jean | Birth Story in Tucson Arizona
You might remember my GORGEOUS Maternity session from a few weeks ago.. Well Ireland decided to make her debut in the weeeee hours of August 11th, weighing a perfect 7lbs 2oz. Mom had a pretty intense labor but worked through each and every contraction with the help of her amazing husband and wonderful Doula. Ashlee worked so hard during her labor, probably walked a mile back and forth at the birth center. She moved into and out of the birth tub before settling into the bed. Lynn her doula (https://www.facebook.com/loveandlabor) was with her every second. When Ashlee was doubting she could do it, Lynn was there to give her positive affirmations, rub her back and hold her when she needed it. In the end Ashlee had the birth she imagined and had an amazingly supportive birth team, I can't wait to share her entire birth story with the world! For now enjoy this preview. <3
Ireland Jean | Maternity in Tucson Arizona
I am so excited for the birth of Ireland! She is expected to bless us with her arrival any time now and I am just waiting for the call! This session almost didn't happen. Right now in Tucson it's Monsoon. Many afternoons we experience lots of rain and wind. Well the evening of our session we decided to chance it and I am so glad that we did. When we were walking out the door the rain clouds opened and it down poured on us until literally 5 minutes away from our shooting location. I was so excited that we got in front of the storm and we wasted no time and got to shooting. The rain held off for our entire session but on the way home the sky cleared and gave us a gorgeous sunset so of course we had to pull over into the first open field I could find! It was a pretty adventurous shoot!

Norah and Owen | In Home Newborn and Family Session | Tucson Arizona
You might remember my last birth back in May, when little Norah graced us with her presence a few weeks early. She spent about a week in the NICU before she was allowed to come home and ever since then she has been growing like a weed! She is so sweet and I definitely got my share of baby snuggles in during our in home Newborn and Family Session. In home Documentary sessions are my favorite type of family session. I love documenting and telling your story.
Sarah [Maternity]
This was such a beautiful nontraditional maternity session. It's a session I will be offering to all of my home birth clients in the future too. It was definitely remarkable working so closely with such an amazing and inspiring group of women.
Sarah was nearing her due date and had her sweet kiddos with her, they have attended her appointments before, they knew the drill. C. knew where all the puzzles were and he took a seat and worked on them diligently while mama got her vitals and measurements taken. Little H. was super excited to be right in the middle of all the action. Both little ones had the chance to hear their little brother using the Fetoscope. Mama and baby were both doing great. After everything was checked we sat around and talked about her upcoming birth. Amy, one of her midwives, was so amazing and patient. She answered all of Sarah's questions and even talked about things Sarah hadn't even thought about.. like making sure everyone that attends her birth had a specific job. I have never been to such a relaxed prenatal appointment ever, even mine at the birth center weren't this relaxed. Sarah gave birth at home just couple weeks after this session to a healthy beautiful little boy.
I would love to work with you if you have your own idea's for an untraditional maternity session!
For more information about Amy Zenizo and her midwifes please visit http://www.amyzenizo.com

Calista [Birth]
I have so much to say about this beautiful birth. I'm not even sure I will be able to articulate it here. Jovanna invited me to her birth a few months before her due date, the first time we met I noticed how quiet and composed she was even when she was obviously uncomfortable during the last trimester of her pregnancy. The day she went into labor she was messaging me just like most of my clients do and I had plenty of time to prepare for the long night ahead. At 9:00pm we arrived at the Birth Center and I instantly thought to myself that this was going to be a long labor and I should have waited until the midwife checked her to see where her cervix was before I headed out. I have had a history of my births happening very quickly so at this point I would rather show up and go home instead of missing it all together because I chose to wait.
Jovanna was so quiet during labor I thought to myself there was NO WAY she was in active labor. She was literally silent and focused with an occasional small moan. Between her contractions the room was filled with smiles and laughter. Jovanna entered her birthing tub a little after 10:00pm.
At about 11:20 things started picking up and Jovanna said she was wanting to push a little, after a series of small pushes to relieve pressure her water broke. Two contractions later Calista was welcomed Earthside to a room filled with so much love. She was silent and focused just like her mama. She didn't cry once the entire night, not even when she got a vitamin K shot.
Calista's three older siblings came to meet her when she was about 20 minutes old and they were all smitten the minute they met her.
This birth holds a very special place in my heart because this is the same room our sweet Aria was born in. In that same exact tub with the same exact nurse and Jovanna and I had very similar labors (except I was definitely not as quiet as she was.)

Lillianna [Birth]
I have known Hartini for a little over a year. She is the amazing person that talked us into hosting an exchange student this year. She has provided us an amazing experience with Jule and we are forever grateful for this opportunity. She was on the fence for a long time about having a birth photographer and actually hired me before even talking her husband into it!! Lillianna is her 4th child and Like my previous birth Hartini warned me that she has had some pretty quick labors.
Hartini messaged me during the afternoon, letting me know she was having some intense but really irregular contractions. I went about my day not really thinking too much about it. My bag was already packed so I was ready if this was "it." Around 8:00pm Hartini messaged me again to let me know she was going to pack up and head to the hospital, so I made a pot of coffee and filled my thermos so I would be prepared for the night.
We got to the hospital around 8:30 or so and when the nurse checked her she was only at 3cm. They said if she made progress at 11 then her doctor would admit her. The catch was since she had a previous C-section she had to be continuously monitored and they wouldn't let her leave her little triage area. For those of you who have been in labor, you would know that it's really hard to progress when you're stuck in a bed. We asked for a yoga ball but they hospital only had ONE and it was in use. I only live about 10 minutes from the hospital so I offered to run home and grab my ball and some fresh coffee. I left around 9:30 and I was back before 10:00. Hartini spent the next hour or so on the ball and sneaking off to the bathroom to get a break from being monitored. When 11:00 rolled around the nurse checked her and she was at 6cm! What a huge change! We had to wait for a little while for a labor and delivery room to become available for her and finally got put in a room around 12:30am.
Hartini had two really good contractions on the way to her room so it took us a few minutes to make the walk. By the time we got to the room the nurses were there in full force (I counted 12 of them at one time). She was hooked up to her IV and had the monitors strapped back on. Her contractions were coming on top of each other and I could tell she was getting close. I remember her head nurse asking for her Doctor, who had just stepped out to the atrium for her break. Hartini's body was pushing want her doctor walked in and didn't even have time to put on gloves! She pulled her hands into the sleeves of her gown and caught sweet Lillianna less than a minute after she walked into the room.
I have to admit watching a hospital birth was so crazy. I had never experienced a hospital birth from an outside perspective. Being able to provide these images for Hartini is so amazing for me since she has been able to provide us with such an awesome experience with our sweet Jule.
Weston [Birth]
I was so honored when Olivia asked me to be part of her birth. When she hired me she warned me that she has fast labors and man she wasn't kidding. I wish I had this long beautiful birth story to put with this blog post but the actually story goes something like this. Olivia called me at 2:00pm and told me she was heading to the Birth Center, her contractions were getting stronger and she wanted to be there with time to spare before she delivered her new baby. She arrived at the Birth Center less than 5 minutes before I did and I arrived at 2:34pm. They had already begun filling her birthing tub so it was 3/4 of the way full when we got there. Fran was her midwife and she had Olivia lay down so she could check her cervix she was at an 8!! Olivia promptly entered her birth tub, she extremely focused and spent some time talking to Weston, she told him it was time and that she was so excited to meet him. Lynn, Olivia's doula was such an amazing support person for her. 20 minutes after arriving at the Birth Center, Weston made his way earth side. He was born at 2:54pm. I spent the next few hours with them, and watching mom and dad bond with their new son. It was such an amazing experience and I was so honored that I got to be part of it.