Dearest Aria | Personal Images

Dear Sweet Aria-


I can't believe you're TWO!!  It's true what they say, time flies when you're having fun!  In these two short years you have done so much, probably more than some people do in their entire life time!  You've been across the country and you've been in the White House, had your feet in the Pacific Ocean, you've met Mickey Mouse and tackled the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland, you absolutely LOVE FIREWORKS and your big sister is your best friend!  You still prefer Mama over Dada but when you don't want Mama you sure do make it known.  You are such a goofy goofy girl, and you really made our family whole and complete!  


Happy Birthday Sweet YaYa!!  


We Love you!

Ireland Jean | Maternity in Tucson Arizona

I am so excited for the birth of Ireland!  She is expected to bless us with her arrival any time now and I am just waiting for the call!  This session almost didn't happen.  Right now in Tucson it's Monsoon.  Many afternoons we experience lots of rain and wind.  Well the evening of our session we decided to chance it and I am so glad that we did.  When we were walking out the door the rain clouds opened and it down poured on us until literally 5 minutes away from our shooting location.  I was so excited that we got in front of the storm and we wasted no time and got to shooting.  The rain held off for our entire session but on the way home the sky cleared and gave us a gorgeous sunset so of course we had to pull over into the first open field I could find!  It was a pretty adventurous shoot!



Norah and Owen | In Home Newborn and Family Session | Tucson Arizona

You might remember my last birth back in May, when little Norah graced us with her presence a few weeks early.  She spent about a week in the NICU before she was allowed to come home and ever since then she has been growing like a weed!  She is so sweet and I definitely got my share of baby snuggles in during our in home Newborn and Family Session.  In home Documentary sessions are my favorite type of family session.  I love documenting and telling your story.  

Becca and Sean | In Love | Pecan Orchards in Tucson Arizona

These two.. what can I say?  They squeezed me in last minute before they move across the country.. literally the movers were at their house a hour before we met.  They are seriously some of the sweetest people I have ever met.  I hope you guys have a safe move and enjoy your new home, Arizona will definitely miss you!!


“Love can be so hauntingly beautiful, waking up past selves that have been wandering aimlessly through the corridors of our soul, for far too long. When someone else can take us from the ghost-town of our inner-selves, to exciting new landscapes, it's worth the risk, just to feel reborn.” 
― Jaeda DeWalt


On My Porch | My Family in Tucson Arizona

We are soaking up the heat as this is our last summer here in the Sonoran Desert.  Mornings are meant for splash time, evenings as the sun is setting is prime time for park play.  We are trying to squeeze in both everyday since we have been inside most of the day.  

What are your favorite things to do when it's blistering hot outside? 



Stan, Rachel and Layla | Family Photo Session | Brandi Fenton Park Tucson AZ

When we move to Denver this is one family I am truly going to miss.  Tucson has been so good to me and I am really excited that I will be able to shoot here several times a year even after our move.  

Happy Birthday Sweet Layla!  I can't wait to get you in front of my camera again!!



Danielle and Girls | Mommy and Me in Tucson AZ

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.

-Richard Bach


Taking a dip in the Pacific | Personal Images

After we went to Disneyland we decided to head down to San Diego for a day of sandy wet fun before we headed back to Tucson.  All 3 girls really love being at the beach and playing in the sand and water.. I however have learned that the adult version of Jessica doesn't enjoy sand AT ALL.  But I did only spend about 15 minutes with my camera and spent the rest of our few hours with my kids and husband.  I am trying to find that special balance of documenting/storytelling and actually being in the moment with my family. It's definitely not as easy as I thought it would be.  


Disney | Personal Images

Last week we went on a small vacation with Luke's parents and Sister to Disneyland.  We had a pretty magical time and we can't wait to go back again.  Here is a very small glimpse into our time over in The Most Magical Place on Earth.  

Norah | Birth Story

I normally try to write my birth stories out within a few hours of the birth.. usually no later than 24... It's been over a week since little miss Norah Jean was born and I am just now starting to write it all out.  I've been going back and forth with what to say about this amazing family.  Madison and Tremayne moved to Tucson at the beginning of Madison's pregnancy with Norah, I remember her messaging me when she was just a few weeks along, she hadn't even announced her pregnancy yet.  We chatted for a while and she gave me the honor of photographing her birth.  Months passed by and we started planning her Maternity shoot, everything was planned and set for May 17th. Just a few weeks before Madison was diagnosed with Polyhydramnios (Excessive Amniotic Fluid). The Wednesday before, I had gotten a message that she thought she was in labor and was heading to L&D to be checked out.. false alarm. Days passed like normal and on Saturday for some reason I woke up around 4:45am, for no particular reason, my daughter was still snoring, our phones were on silent and all was dark in the room, but for some reason I was wide awake. I laid in bed for a few minutes then I decided to get up and get moving.  

When I had gotten to my phone around 5:20am, I notice I had missed a text message from Madison, she was in Labor and was at the hospital.  I shoveled some breakfast into my mouth, grabbed my gear and out the door I flew.  Things were quiet at the hospital, Madison was at 5cm when I arrived but because of the amount of fluid she had, she could barely feel her contractions.  Because she was still several weeks away from her due date the hospital staff tried to slow her labor.

 Things were progressing, and because the amount of fluid, Norah's head was still floating and because of that Madison and Norah were at risk for cord prolapse when her waters broke (where the umbilical cord drops through the open cervix in front of the babies head, the cord can then become trapped against the babies body).  A high risk OB came in and assessed the situation, although the chances were very slim of the cord prolapsing it was still a risk, and if it happened Madison would be headed to an emergency C-section and would have to be unconscious for the procedure unless she opted for an epidural.  Madison had planned on having an unmedicated delivery but with the risks she did opt for an epidural.  The OB then broke Madison's bag of water and as we all had hoped for Norah's head dropped nicely into place. 

After Madison had taken a short nap with the epidural she asked for it to be turned off so it would be worn off or nearly worn off by the time of delivery. Things began to pick up speed around 5:30pm and Madison slowly started having the urge to push.  After a half an hour of small pushes, the real pushing began.  Sweet little Norah Jean was born shortly before 6:30pm.  Because of her prematurity, she was having some issues breathing and keeping her oxygen levels up.  Madison only got to spend a few short minutes with her before she was whisked away to the NICU to receive further treatment.  Norah came home 6 days later and is thriving.  She has this amazing red hair just like her mama, and is super sassy just like her big brother Owen.  

Please note: there are graphic birthing images below

Now Booking!

As my fall calendar slowly (or actually rather quickly) starts filling up.  I wanted to inform everyone of my availability as of today.



Birth: 2-3 Sessions

Babymoon: 5

Homecomings: 2

Couples/Maternity/Family: 4

 Open Dates: 11, 12, 25, 26



Birth: 1 

Babymoon: 5

Homecomings: 1

Couples/Maternity/Family: 6

Open Dates: 8,9, 15, 16, 22, 23



Birth: Booked

Babymoon: 5

Homecoming: Booked

Couples/Maternity/Family: 5

Open Dates:  12, 19, 20, 26, 27



Birth: 3

Babymoon: 5

Homecoming: 2

Couples/Maternity/Family: 5

Open Dates: 10, 11, 17, 18, 25



Birth: 2

Babymoon: 2

Homecoming: 2

Couples/Maternity/Family:  9

Open Dates (AM and PM Sessions): 1, 7, 8 (PM currently booked), 14, 15


That is it for the rest of 2015.  If you are considering booking me for your fall photos, please do not wait until the last minute.  I can guarantee all of these sessions will be taken in the coming months and I want to be able to photograph you and your family.  

As always your non-refundable retainer must be paid to secure your session date.  You date is not secured until your contract is signed and retainer is paid- no exceptions.  

Birth Sessions have payment plans available.


James and Elle | Engaged in Tucson

Back in January I only blogged part of this session.  What I didn't blog was their engagement!  This was such a wonderful evening for me.  Being able to document special memories like this are why I love doing what I do.  Congratulations Elle and James!!  

Ramona | Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me Sessions have a really special place in my heart.  As a mom I know I am not in front of the camera enough with my kids.  I am working on it... I swear... I love watching mom's interact with their children and I LOVE documenting that bond.  Moms... GET IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA WITH YOUR KIDS..  and not only that but don't just let these images sit on the web or computer.. PRINT THEM and hang them.  Get in front of the lens...

Melanie and Caleb | Expecting in Tucson

Melanie and Caleb have been great friends for a couple of years. They are the only people we trust with our fur baby Pocket, he loves visiting their house when we go out of town.  Melanie is due in July with their second little one and I am so beyond thrilled for my amazing friends!!



Jule | Senior

So our time with our wonderful Jule is coming to an end in early June.  We are super bummed she is going back home to Germany and we are going to miss her terribly.  We can't wait until we can take a trip over to visit her and her real family.  She has been an amazing addition to our family for the past 10 months.  We loved hosting an exchange student this year and we hope we have the opportunity to do it again in the future.


Amber | Mommy and Me

Amber, Danni and Ava, were just a dream.  I know I say that a lot but seriously, these three were awesome.  These three are also waiting to welcome home the man in their lives.  Amber is such a great mom to these two crazy girls, and Danni is seriously one of the most respectful (yet hungry) little 7 year olds I have ever met.  I am lucky to have this crazy group just down the street and I have become fast friends with them.  Mommy and me sessions are on going through Mothers day, please to all the mama's out there.. do your kids a favor and get in the frame with them.  If you're interested in one of these limited sessions, please do not hesitate to email me. 

Charla | Mommy and Me

These four ladies are patiently waiting for their man in uniform to return home.  Charla is such an inspiration and really rocks this whole being a mom thing.  Not only is she super mom, but she is also a Key Spouse to her husbands squadron on base (find more information about the key spouse program here )She was also a candidate for Military Spouse of the year in 2014!!  She was a trooper when I had her meet me early in the morning on a Saturday for our little session with her girls and I owe her a new blanket because this lovely one got completely ruined but the desert plant life.  

Jessie and Jon | In Love in Tucson

Jessie and Jon are two of the sweetest people I have ever met in my entire life.  I documented their engagement and wedding last year.  This year I suckered them into an early morning session at Sunrise.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for these two!