Calista [Birth]

I have so much to say about this beautiful birth.  I'm not even sure I will be able to articulate it here.  Jovanna invited me to her birth a few months before her due date, the first time we met I noticed how quiet and composed she was even when she was obviously uncomfortable during the last trimester of her pregnancy.  The day she went into labor she was messaging me just like most of my clients do and I had plenty of time to prepare for the long night ahead.  At 9:00pm we arrived at the Birth Center and I instantly thought to myself that this was going to be a long labor and I should have waited until the midwife checked her to see where her cervix was before I headed out.  I have had a history of my births happening very quickly so at this point I would rather show up and go home instead of missing it all together because I chose to wait. 

Jovanna was so quiet during labor I thought to myself there was NO WAY she was in active labor.  She was literally silent and focused with an occasional small moan.  Between her contractions the room was filled with smiles and laughter.  Jovanna entered her birthing tub a little after 10:00pm.

At about 11:20 things started picking up and Jovanna said she was wanting to push a little, after a series of small pushes to relieve pressure her water broke. Two contractions later Calista was welcomed Earthside to a room filled with so much love.  She was silent and focused just like her mama.  She didn't cry once the entire night, not even when she got a vitamin K shot.  

Calista's three older siblings came to meet her when she was about 20 minutes old and they were all smitten the minute they met her.  

This birth holds a very special place in my heart because this is the same room our sweet Aria was born in.  In that same exact tub with the same exact nurse and Jovanna and I had very similar labors (except I was definitely not as quiet as she was.)