I was so honored when Olivia asked me to be part of her birth. When she hired me she warned me that she has fast labors and man she wasn't kidding. I wish I had this long beautiful birth story to put with this blog post but the actually story goes something like this. Olivia called me at 2:00pm and told me she was heading to the Birth Center, her contractions were getting stronger and she wanted to be there with time to spare before she delivered her new baby. She arrived at the Birth Center less than 5 minutes before I did and I arrived at 2:34pm. They had already begun filling her birthing tub so it was 3/4 of the way full when we got there. Fran was her midwife and she had Olivia lay down so she could check her cervix she was at an 8!! Olivia promptly entered her birth tub, she extremely focused and spent some time talking to Weston, she told him it was time and that she was so excited to meet him. Lynn, Olivia's doula was such an amazing support person for her. 20 minutes after arriving at the Birth Center, Weston made his way earth side. He was born at 2:54pm. I spent the next few hours with them, and watching mom and dad bond with their new son. It was such an amazing experience and I was so honored that I got to be part of it.