Jessica Mielke

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Norah | Birth Story

I normally try to write my birth stories out within a few hours of the birth.. usually no later than 24... It's been over a week since little miss Norah Jean was born and I am just now starting to write it all out.  I've been going back and forth with what to say about this amazing family.  Madison and Tremayne moved to Tucson at the beginning of Madison's pregnancy with Norah, I remember her messaging me when she was just a few weeks along, she hadn't even announced her pregnancy yet.  We chatted for a while and she gave me the honor of photographing her birth.  Months passed by and we started planning her Maternity shoot, everything was planned and set for May 17th. Just a few weeks before Madison was diagnosed with Polyhydramnios (Excessive Amniotic Fluid). The Wednesday before, I had gotten a message that she thought she was in labor and was heading to L&D to be checked out.. false alarm. Days passed like normal and on Saturday for some reason I woke up around 4:45am, for no particular reason, my daughter was still snoring, our phones were on silent and all was dark in the room, but for some reason I was wide awake. I laid in bed for a few minutes then I decided to get up and get moving.  

When I had gotten to my phone around 5:20am, I notice I had missed a text message from Madison, she was in Labor and was at the hospital.  I shoveled some breakfast into my mouth, grabbed my gear and out the door I flew.  Things were quiet at the hospital, Madison was at 5cm when I arrived but because of the amount of fluid she had, she could barely feel her contractions.  Because she was still several weeks away from her due date the hospital staff tried to slow her labor.

 Things were progressing, and because the amount of fluid, Norah's head was still floating and because of that Madison and Norah were at risk for cord prolapse when her waters broke (where the umbilical cord drops through the open cervix in front of the babies head, the cord can then become trapped against the babies body).  A high risk OB came in and assessed the situation, although the chances were very slim of the cord prolapsing it was still a risk, and if it happened Madison would be headed to an emergency C-section and would have to be unconscious for the procedure unless she opted for an epidural.  Madison had planned on having an unmedicated delivery but with the risks she did opt for an epidural.  The OB then broke Madison's bag of water and as we all had hoped for Norah's head dropped nicely into place. 

After Madison had taken a short nap with the epidural she asked for it to be turned off so it would be worn off or nearly worn off by the time of delivery. Things began to pick up speed around 5:30pm and Madison slowly started having the urge to push.  After a half an hour of small pushes, the real pushing began.  Sweet little Norah Jean was born shortly before 6:30pm.  Because of her prematurity, she was having some issues breathing and keeping her oxygen levels up.  Madison only got to spend a few short minutes with her before she was whisked away to the NICU to receive further treatment.  Norah came home 6 days later and is thriving.  She has this amazing red hair just like her mama, and is super sassy just like her big brother Owen.  

Please note: there are graphic birthing images below